Blackburn, R.; Amsler, D; & Bauer, K. (2003, July). Guidelines for Snow and Ice Control. [Power Point]. Presented at 10th AASHTO/TRB Maintenance Management Conference, Duluth MN.
Blackburn, R., Bauer, K., Amsler, D. E., Boselly, S. E., McElroy, A. D. (2004). Snow and ice control: Guidelines for materials and methods. National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 526. Transportation Board: Washington, D.C.
Calibration Procedures Manual. (2000-2001) Circuit Training and Assistance Program (CTAP).
The Circuit Training and Assistance Program (CTAP), a joint program of MN/DOT and the Minnesota Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP). Brings training to cities, counties and townships.
Parker, J. Liquids, How to get Started. (2006). [Power Point]. Presented at the Snow and Ice Management Association’s Snow and Ice Symposium.
Plant selector tool. [Interactive program on-line]. Minnesota Department of Transportation. Allows you to select plants for many conditions including high salt areas.