This page contains links to the following subcategories.
- Images: This category contains photos, graphs, schematics, screen captures, and any other image.
- Photos: Most photos in the stormwater wiki are of high quality. Click on any photo to get information about the photo or to enlarge the photo.
- Schematics: A diagram, plan, or drawing to illustrate or represent something.
- Graphs: A diagram showing the relation between variable quantities, typically of two variables, each measured along one of a pair of axes at right angles.
- Illustrations: Typically these are screen or image captures that illustrate a concept.
- General: This includes a wide variety of images that aren't related to specific content. Examples include photos of people and symbols.
- Tables: Only tables existing on their own page (using html coding) can be placed into categories. Many pages contain tables created in Mediawiki and cannot be captured as separate tables.
- Reference: Includes pages containing definitions, glossary, acronyms, literature references, or other similar information.
- General information: Pages containing information not related to a specific topic.
- Archives: Pages containing information that is generally out of date.
This page contains links to subcategories General information, References, Tables, Images, and Archives.
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.
- Level 2 - General information, reference, tables, images, and archives/Archives
- Level 2 - General information, reference, tables, images, and archives/General information
- Level 2 - General information, reference, tables, images, and archives/Images
- Level 2 - General information, reference, tables, images, and archives/Links
- Level 2 - General information, reference, tables, images, and archives/Reference
- Level 2 - General information, reference, tables, images, and archives/Tables