Videos demonstrating use of the Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS) calculator are being developed. These videos will typically be short and focus on a specific aspect of the calculator. Videos tentatively planned include the following.

  1. Overview of the calculator
  2. Setting up your site
  3. Bioretention
  4. Infiltration basin/trench and underground infiltration
  5. Swale
  6. Tree trench
  7. Sand filter and iron enhanced sand filter
  8. Permeable pavement
  9. Green roof
  10. Wetlands and constructed ponds
  11. Harvest and use/re-use
  12. The Other BMP
  13. BMPs in series and routing BMPs
  14. Infiltration exercises
  15. Filtration exercises
  16. Multiple BMP exercises
  17. Interpreting results
  18. Available resources