Warning: This page is an edit and testing page use by the wiki authors. It is not a content page for the Manual. Information on this page may not be accurate and should not be used as guidance in managing stormwater.

1. Dissolved phosphorus (P), defined as P in water passing through a 0.45 micron filter, is about how many times more bioavailable than particulate P

  • 0.1
  • 1
  • 5
  • 20

The implication is that if we focus only on particulate phosphorus, the impact on receiving waters will be limited.

2. Which of these practices is generally not considered to be effective in removing dissolved phosphorus

  • Constructed ponds
  • Infiltration
  • Street sweeping
  • Iron-enhanced filtration

Constructed ponds remove sediment and are not very effective at removing dissolved pollutants

3. Which of these is least effective in attenuating P, assuming properly designed and maintained systems

  • iron
  • biochar
  • aluminum
  • spent lime

Although still being researched, biochar appears to have limited ability to attenuate phosphorus, though it will not typically leach P and some types may have some ability to attenuate P

4. True or false: Infiltration is considered an effective practice for treating dissolved P because the P is adsorbed in the infiltration practice False (most of the time). Infiltration practices don't necessarily remove dissolved P from the water, but instead the dissolved P is transported to groundwater, where it is typically not a concern.