Caution: Note these examples were written for version 2 of the calculator. The examples will be helpful with the basic functions of the calculator, but for specific applications we recommend using information from this page

For each Best Management Practice (BMP) in the Manual a page was created explaining how to apply that BMP in the Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS) calculator. Each page provides a discussion of the requirements, recommendations and information for using that BMP in the calculator. Each page contains an example application for the BMP. Links to those pages are shown below.

  • The MIDS calculator was developed as a site tool. Thus, BMPs are typically entered as individual entities rather than lumped together. For example, if a site has three bioretention BMPs, each BMP would be entered individually in the calculator. However, BMPs can be lumped in the calculator. In this example, the three bioretention BMPs could be combined and treated as a single BMP. Lumping BMPs has the advantage of simplifying complex site and may be useful when using the calculator for larger areas where several BMPs are implemented. Lumping BMPs can introduce errors in the calculations if the BMPs are not properly sized, since lumping smoothes out these sizing differences. The following document provides an example comparing calculator results for a site where BMPs are treated individually and lumped.
File:16 - Individual vs Clumping example.docx

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